Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Interview


1UP's Enemy Territory: Quake Wars QuakeCon interview is now available. Paul Wedgwood is asked about progress since E3, the release date, the possibility of a 360 release, and retaliation when people are teabagging you.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 11, 2006 6:23 AM

    Will this be the next big eSports game?

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      August 11, 2006 7:02 AM

      No. Why would it?

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        August 11, 2006 9:08 AM

        great engine.. extra time spent balancing sides.. competetive game style

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          August 11, 2006 12:54 PM

          I spoke with a really good BF2 clan at Quakecon. They said they were going to switch over to QW when it released, because "that's where the money will be." So, for whatever that's worth.

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          August 11, 2006 8:33 PM

          I agree to those points, but there's a lot more to eSports than just that. For one thing, the 24-32 players designed maps would be a huge impediment; would a 6v6 match still be ETQW? And for other, games tend to be successfull on tournaments not when they're great/polished, but rather when they're absurdly popular like no other game probably will (ie, CS) due to historical and logistical reasons.

          Time will tell, but no matter how good ETQW will be (and I believe it will be totally awesome) I doubt it'll have any real impact on the world of esports. If anything, for this aspect, he'll just be "another good game", like RTCW/ET were/are. Competition tools like callvoting/readying/mvd/gtv only help the game get competitive popularity if the competitive community is already there; they make matches and tournaments less frustrating, not simply bring people from other walks of the fps life into the game.

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      August 11, 2006 1:09 PM

      In my opinion there's a very strong possibility. The developers come from competitive clan backgrounds and have stated time and time again that they will be strongly supporting the esports community. Of course, only time will tell.

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