Half-Life 2: Episode One Stats Available
Valve has opened the Half-Life 2: Episode One stats page, showing various tracked items like time to completion, people playing with HDR, and average number of deaths per map. The page shows that only 23% of people who have played the game have completed it, though Valve thinks this might be a bug in their tracking system. Thanks Vooodoo Extreme.
At Valve, we're always striving to make our products better. We've traditionally relied on things like written feedback from players to help decide which improvements to focus on. More recently, Steam has allowed us to collect more information than was previously possible. Episode One, for example, includes a reporting mechanism which tells us details about how people are playing the game. We're sharing the data we collect because we think people will find it interesting, and because we expect to spot emergent problems earlier, and ultimately build better products and experiences as a result. Let us know what you think.
Wonderful - showed this to a client and they asked "can we do something like that?"
Anyone know if Valve just came up with these Flash chart controls or if they bought some Flash control?-
Don't know specifically what Valve used, but check these out: