DOOM Movie Full Trailer


Well, I think many of us can recall the years and years that have gone by where the topic of the DOOM movie has come up and gone away countless times. It seems the time is finally here now and we just got a hold of the full 2 minute trailer which shows off some of the first person footage that looks to be featured a number of times in the movie. Here it is, the full trailer and a couple of grabs of that first person perspective:

doom_movie1.gif (18671 bytes) doom_movie2.gif (19063 bytes)

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 24, 2005 10:50 PM

    The FPS stuff looks a lot less lame than I imagined.

    • reply
      August 24, 2005 10:51 PM

      if you can find the footage from the panel at Quakecon, there's like 4 minutes of continuous FPS stuff

    • reply
      August 24, 2005 10:52 PM

      yeah i was kind of surprised by it.. it's actually kinda cool.

      as far as my hopes for the movie itself... not so high.

    • reply
      August 24, 2005 11:57 PM

      i like Fry's FPS movies of him coming home and rocking out to shack

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