E3 2005 HD Footage

The next batch of E3 2005 High-Def videos are on the way to FileShack now! We've kicked it off with an amazing trailer of Enemy Territory : Quake Wars that was being shown by Activision and will be updating the list below as more footage is rendered and uploaded. We've also got a number of other trailers you'll be seeing showing up on FileShack over the next few hours so keep an eye on things. It's gonna be a long night!

- Enemy Territory : Quake Wars (public)
- Hellgate London
- Full Auto
- Booth Babes Video #1 (public)
- Soul Calibur 3
- L.A. Rush
- Stargate SG-1 - The Alliance

Also, have a look at our earlier collection from yesterday and the free samplers

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 18, 2005 6:01 PM

    This video is awesome.

    • reply
      May 18, 2005 6:04 PM

      Seriously, it's freaking incredible! It's missing sound though, right? Or is it just me?

      • reply
        May 18, 2005 6:05 PM

        yeah couldnt get a respectable audio feed. hopefully get a better one tomorrow.

        just imagine lots of explosions!

    • reply
      May 18, 2005 6:49 PM

      Totally. But...The number of on-screen characters was always slim, say 3 or less - save for the moments with the flying craft.

      • reply
        May 18, 2005 6:57 PM

        Also, his knees were too sharp. I would not hit it.

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