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Empire Online has a few quotes from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (slight spoilers within) about his work on the DOOM movie, which recently wrapped and will be in theaters later this year. For those of you worrying about DOOM being a PG-13 movie, worry no more. At least until the studio bosses change their mind anyway. Thanks fatman.

"I'm so excited about that movie, I'll tell you why. Number one, it's my first rated-R movie and it's a very unapologetic rated-R movie. Not only that, but the monsters are real, they're not CGI. They're made by Stan Winston who did Jurassic Park and Predator and all that. So the monster's got weight and when they're in a scene they're like Aliens! I get to transform and become, I'm going to tell you this right now, the BMFOTP. Know what that means? It means the baddest motherfucker on the planet"

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