Messiah Demo Today

Oh my goodness, a playable demo of Messiah today? Can you believe it? After being in a dead lock with Doppleganger for so long the Shiny guys pull through and bust out a playable demo. It looks to be on schedule for a release today, here's the latest from Dave Perry (thanks JayZee), and of course those shots I posted earlier this week to jog your memory: [shot1] [shot2] [shot3] [shot4] [shot5] [shot6]

<snip> ...Make sure you have DirectX 7.0 and all the newest drivers for your 3D and Sound card. Messiah makes killer use of 3D sound effects using A3D version 3.0 and EAX. So go get the latest drivers now! De-Fragment your hard drive and don't play the demo with a virus killer running.... Virus test the files when you get them, then disable the killer. The atmosphere is electric here... Keep the emails coming... I am sending them to the Messiah team members....

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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