Ritual's Lord of the Rings


The cat is out of the bag. As most people will know Ritual is currently working on Star Trek: Elite Force 2. Though many are looking forward what Ritual can bring to this license, many were wondering if that was the only project that Ritual was working on. Well, it's not as Ritual.com has been updated with the news that they are hiring artists for a Lord of the Rings game which they are working for EA. Ritual fan site Ritualistic has also opened forums to talk about the title. There is no additional information on the game, and from what I understand, only the Playstation 2 version of the game will be featured at E3 next week. More information will possible head our way in June however. However, the information we have from the Game Boy Advance and Playstation 2 versions indicate that it's likely a third person game featuring several playable characters from the movies.

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