Congress Raping Gamers

It seems those scary violent videogames are just all the rage with lawmakers. A bill introduced in Congress last week is attempting to make it illegal to sell games to teenagers with killing of humans with "lethal weapons" or through hand to hand combat. As well as depictions of car-jacking, aggravated assault, or other violent felonies. Oh yeah, decapitation too. The congressman's pitch!:

"When kids play video games, they assume the identity of the characters in the game, and some of these characters are murderers, thieves, rapists, drug addicts and prostitutes," Baca said in a press release. "Do you really want your kids assuming the role of a mass murderer or a car-jacker while you are away at work?"

I guess this kind of traces back to the games and free speech story from a few days ago. I can certainly see the point of view from the other side of the fence, but what in the world did we have government funded studies determining that games dont negatively influence kids for if we've still got congressmen trying to make laws to prevent something that our own government studies say doesnt even happen? (Give me some kind of award for that sentence please)

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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