Xbox Creator Quits

Normally console news is saved up until Jason's Late Night Consoling post, but this is pretty big news (and several people have already been emailing us). Seamus Blackley, co-creator of the Xbox and considered the project's father by many, has quit Microsoft. According to Blackley's spokeswoman and Microsoft, he has left for a new venture. What this venture is will not be announced for another two weeks. News of Blackley leaving comes just a few days after Microsoft announced it had cut the sales target for the Xbox by some 40 percent, due to dissapointing sales outside the U.S.

In other news, Nintendo has announced a price cut for the GameCube in Europe. Though it hasn't even launched yet, the Cube will now be 199 Euros (about $177) when it launches May 3. Previously the GameCube was going to cost 249 Euros.

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