How to get the Master Sword - Breath of the Wild
Everything you need to know to get your hands on the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Getting the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a tough process. Unlike previous Zelda titles, you can go the whole game without even encountering the Master Sword. The Master Sword isn't necessarily required to defeat Calamity Ganon, though it is helpful. However, for longtime fans of the Zelda franchise, getting the Master Sword is a must-do in Zelda: BOTW. Below, we'll tell you how to get the Master Sword, and what you have to do to draw it from its resting place.
How to get the Master Sword

Finding the Master Sword is difficult enough. Throughout Zelda: Breath of the Wild people from Link's past allude to a sword he once carried that can "seal the darkness." Fans of the franchise will quickly understand that they're talking about "The Blade of Evil's Bane," the Master Sword. However, there aren't many clues given about its location. The best way to find where the Master Sword lies is by completing the Main Quest "Captured Memories," which tells the story of Zelda and Link before the calamity. Or you could just do what I did and accidentally run into it exploring Hyrule.
Getting Through the Lost Woods
The first step to finding the Master Sword in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is making it to the Great Hyrule Forest. If you approach from the southern edge of the forest, you'll enter the Lost Woods. The Lost Woods are appropriately named because you'll more than likely get lost in them.
Never fear, though, you can easily get through the Lost Woods using a torch and the embers that fly off of the flames. To use the torch, light it at one of the many standing torches placed around the Lost Woods. Then, while standing in place, find out which direction the window blows the embers. Follow that direction, stopping every few steps to check to make sure you're still following the embers. You can do this until you exit the woods and head into Korok forest. This is where you'll meet the Great Deku Tree. In front of the Great Deku Tree, embedded in a stone pedestal, is the Master Sword.
How to retrieve the Master Sword

During the Calamity, Zelda took the Master Sword to the Great Hyrule Forest where she knew the Great Deku Tree would protect it. As an added safeguard, the Master Sword can only be pulled from its resting place by a person as strong as her Champion. When Link slept off his injuries for 100 years, he lost a lot of his strength, so it's up to you to get it back for him.
If you try to draw the Master Sword from its pedestal, you'll find that it starts to drain your health. This is its way of measuring your strength to see if you're worthy to wield it. Before you can lay claim to the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild you'll need to have at least 13 hearts. Once you have 13 hearts, you can go attempt to pull the Master Sword from its resting place in front of the Great Deku Tree and right before your 13th heart runs out Link will pull it free. Be warned, the first time you try to take the Master Sword without the required amount of hearts, the Great Deku Tree will stop you from dying. However, each time after that, if you hold on too long with 12 or less hearts, you will die.
Can the Master Sword break?
The Master Sword has the same rules about durability that the rest of the weapons in Breath of the Wild do. After you use it enough, the item will break. The difference is that the Master Sword will return to your inventory after a certain amount of time has passed.

The Master Sword normally has 30 attack power and above average durability when you're using it, but it has a secret power that helps a lot with the end dungeon. When you've entered the grounds of Hyrule Castle to defeat Calamity Ganon the Master Sword's attack power increases to 60, and it becomes almost unbreakable. Having the Master Sword makes getting to Ganon much easier, and is almost essential for storming Hyrule Castle.
Now that you know how to get the Master Sword, make sure you know how to get Epona, Link's legendary horse, by checking out our amiibo guide. You can also head over to our Breath of the Wild strategy guide for even more useful information and articles.