Samus getting Zero Mission suits in Smash Bros.
The Metroid heroine dons a revealing outfit that pays homage to Zero Mission, but some fans cry foul over skimpy get-up.
The Super Smash Bros. Miiverse page has provided its latest update, and it's quite an eye-opener if you're a fan of the legendary heroine Samus Aran, from the Metroid series.
The character will be getting two new outfits for the game. Both are featured in the screenshots below, and, as you can see, they'll be available in both the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game. As revealing as the outfits might be, they're actually quite loyal to the series, as they made an appearance in the previous Metroid game Zero Mission.

The posting of the pics has drummed up a lot of attention over on the Miiverse page, as over 900 commenters and rising have talked about Samus' new suits. A lot of gamers approved, but there are a few who are less than thrilled about the additions.
"This might be to much for m dad letting me get the game!" said one poster. Notably, previous Smash Bros games have been rated E or T, based on the level of violence.
"...are you kidding?! just... augh! seriously?!" said a user named Clyde.
"What the heck, Nintendo. Stop turning Samus into a feminists' worst nightmare," said "Pappy", another user.
What do you think? Is Nintendo going too far, or simply paying fan service?
Super Smash Bros. will release on October 3rd for 3DS, and later this year for Wii U.
Robert Workman posted a new article, Samus getting skimpy short suits in Smash Bros..
Want to see a different side of the Metroid heroine? Here you go!-
A billion times this. Samus was unique for being attractive without resorting to skimpy clothes and deferring to her "clearly superior" male counterparts all the time. In two games Nintendo has destroyed all of that.
Other M didn't happen. Zero Mission happened... in 2004 on the GBA, WITHOUT ANY BIKINIS INVOLVED.-
Yes, right, sorry should have mentioned that explicitly. I don't really count out-of-character stuff or ending "reward" shots, since that's technically been in since the very first game (her reveal as a woman did involve her in an 8-bit bikini). It's more that the bikini was now part of the main game
Camn down, you prudes. These are from the GBA game endings.
This isn't upsetting because there's a nearly naked chick in a video game.
It's upsetting because Samus went from a a badass bitch in a metal suit who just happened to be a girl, to a sexy girl who sometimes puts on a metal suit to kill things. It just feels like Samus deserves to not be sexualized. Her character is the suit. Keep her in it. -
You act like they never showed her in skimpy outfits before this. EVERY Metroid game had an out similar or worse to this. (left to right, Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission (aka where this one came from)
Only differences in the Smash Bros costume and the endings one is that you had to either work to see it or see them in the tips and tricks sections of magazines or guides back in the day (or today via the internet). -
To be fair, the subject is video games and you know it's always been a problem. The female character is always in some sort of low cut, skimpy "armor", while the comparable male looks like a fucking tank. I'm not trying to go into this argument, just pointing out the very long history of the issue.
It's very rare that it's about being practical instead of sex appeal. I could buy that Samus is wearing this outfit under her Varia suit. It gets hot, I'm sure. But to wear it while just fighting? Stupid. Hell, Samus in anything other than a Varia-like suit is stupid. It's not Samus. Do they do this for Link? Beyond maybe a different color tunic, he's always in the same-looking iconic tunic with the Hylian shield because he's Link (though they could do Link prior to getting the green tunic, but I don't think they've ever done that).-
Man, I would totally support Nintendo putting Link in a sexy outfit. Let's get some equal opportunity hotness up in here.
Honestly, I think making the guys more sexualized is just as good of a solution to gaming's gender problem as making the girls less sexualized. But that's just me. I know we can't actually do that because a bunch of straight male geeks would throw a fit. Just look at the backlash at BioWare.
The bikini appearing once before in a remake of a remake (seriously) doesn't make it "loyal to the series". All it means is Nintendo is going through a concerted effort to slut up Samus.
Look, I could give a crap about a stupid outfit by itself, but the direction Samus took starting in Other M has been freakin' awful. Stop trying to feminize Samus and bring back badass hulking destroyer Samus. She was raised by a race of wise bird-like warrior aliens; I doubt her upbringing involved much focus on girly clothes and looking hot. -
For some reason I had always thought I heard that Samus' suit was fused to her somehow, like something about the nature of the suit just became part of her body (sort of like a cyborg)
Was this ever the case and if so why did they abandon it? As far back as MP2 we've seen shots of her outside the suit.-
Originally, her Zero Suit was part of the whole interface, meant to aid in her controlling the Varia suit proper. The weird pink pattern on her back is actually where the Varia suit connects to her nervous system, or something like that. It wasn't fused with her though as far as I know.
She did wind up fused with her suit in the appropriately named Fusion, though. Short version: she was attacked by a parasite whose only natural predator was Metroids, they had to inject her with a Metroid-based vaccine to save her, and in the process of all that almost dying the organic components of her suit wound up fused with her more or less. Oh, and she got the Metroid weakness to cold.
It's actually existed through all the games:
Never as a "primary" costume though, I would expect it more as an easter egg. -
Yeah, and that stuff was a little silly. But it was a small thing that you saw AFTER you played the whole game. In Metroid Prime, the biggest clue of your gender was the reflection of your face in your own helmet when explosions happened.
Releasing marketing screenshots where she's just another generic blonde bombshell is a different sort of thing entirely.
That looks like her outfit from Super Metroid when she dies:
And I agree with everyone else...this just seems dumb to do with the character...unless they also include Mario in just his briefs and Luigi with only afoil dick wrapper and a death stare on, I'm against this (actually, I want THAT Smash Bros.)