Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition Announced [Update: It's $100]
[Update: 08:56] Publisher 2K Games has confirmed that the Balls of Steel Edition will cost $99.99 and, in the US, be sold exclusively by GameStop...

Baaalllllls of Schteel
- Collectible bust of the greatest ass-kicker of all-time
- Numbered limited edition certificate of authenticity
- 100-page hardcover book: 'History, Legacy & Legend: Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault'
- Duke Nukem Forever postcard series
- Duke Nukem Forever radioactive emblem sticker
- Duke Nukem Forever collectable comic book
- Duke Nukem Forever foldable paper craft
- Duke Nukem Forever poker chips
- Duke Nukem Forever mini-card deck
- Duke Nukem Forever radioactive emblem dice
From The Chatty
This is Duke. They should have included some kind of soundboard.