Call of Duty: Black Ops 'First Strike' DLC Screens Released; Inside Xbox Previews Competitive Maps
Activision has dropped a handful of new screens featuring the first downloadable content for its best-selling behemoth, Call of Duty: Black Ops. The "
The "First Strike" DLC arrives first on the Xbox 360 on February 1, 2011, for 1200MS Points ($15). The add-on includes five maps: four competitive multiplayer maps and one zombie mode-specific setting. The new batch of images feature some action shots of the new areas players will soon invade.
After the break, we've included an embedded version of a recent "Inside Xbox" episode. In the episode, IX takes a closer look at the downloadable maps and chats with members of the development team.
"First Strike" will also arrive on PC and PS3; however, Activision has not provided details as to how long players on those platforms will have to wait before the Xbox 360 exclusivity agreement expires.
I commend Treyarch for the job they did on Black Ops, it was possibly their best work so far... that said, it was only after buying BO that I realized how utterly sick I am of CoD games in general. They need to go away for a while and then, maybe, get the "reboot" treatment later. Much... later.