Xbox Live Indie Games Winter Uprising Begins
Revolution is afoot on Xbox Live Indie Games as the community-orchestrated Indie Games Winter Uprising has kicked off, bringing the first of fourteen new indie games which it is hoped will promote the chan
A trailer released to celebrate the Uprising and showcase its games highlights the XBLIG stereotypes being railed against--clones, mediocrity and massage simulators. Keen eyes might notice that, curiously, several of the Winter Uprising games bear more than a passing similarity to existing games, with added twists. Let's call them pastiche.
Eyehook's dungeon crawler Epic Dungeon will strike the first blow for the Uprising, hitting today. It'll all begin in earnest tomorrow, with the remaining games released over the first week of December, priced between 80 and 400 Microsoft Points ($1-5).
I, for one, welcome our new XBLIG overlords. This is a really smart idea to get people to jump to that tab and explore around.
- is pretty much the most dedicated site to covering these. IGN and 1UP and others will sometimes have monthly XBLIG roundups of the top X games, but these aren't very regular from what I've seen. And of course certain titles get recognition if they get a PC version too (Beat Hazard, Flotilla, for example...)
There probably is a hole there for a community site to help review and promote XBLIG games.