Shack PSA: Add a Blizzard Authenticator
To do this, go ahead and add a Blizzard Authenticator. There are two options. The first is to purchase a physical Authenticator, which will generate "unique, one-time use codes". This code, when paired with your account name and regular password, will protect your account. Even if you have been comprised by a keylogger, the code will not last long enough for very much vulnerability -- especially since you're logging in, yourself.
The second option is to download the mobile authenticator if you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phone. I personally use this on my iPhone and it functions just as well as the real option. Just be careful! If you're getting a new device, be sure to remove the authenticator from your account as you'll lose access. Also, don't lose your phone... though you probably have larger issues at this point.
In any case, if your account is hacked or you lose your authenticator, a call to Blizzard support will fix things as they can remove an auth after you prove you're the owner of your account.
i receive ~5 phishing mails everyday for WoW .. hell I can't even tell if its really from blizz or not they also replicate the bnet login page and it was redirecting you to the real bnet page .. its a freakin mess (and my wow account is banned for I dont know what reason)
been spending the last month fighting hackers on my job websites. I have no problem spotting phishmail its just annoying and theres things you just can't avoid .. like that :
"The virus scans the hard drive for password information on World of Warcraft as well as a number of Chinese games such as QQ, WSGame, and AskTao, Seagate said."
Normally, security is a matter of common sense and some basic safety rules, you do not require a lot more. I was Gamemaster on a MMO for like 5 years where hacking was a BIG problem, and I defied everybody to try to steal my account (to prove the game had enough security measures). I was fine all the time. People just do the scariest things, like accessing their accounts or mail accounts on cybercafes, public computers at Uni, follow and download strange cheating programs, etc. Some get what they deserve.