Portal Patch Adds Morse Code, Achievement - Portal 2 Speculation Begins [Updated]

Today, Valve Software published an update to Portal through Steam. The only patch note: digg_url =...

Today, Valve Software published an update to Portal through Steam. The only patch note: "Changed radio transmission frequency to comply with federal and state spectrum management regulations" Along with this cryptic change, is a new achievement, titled "Transmission Received", which Shacker ghost in my shell reported unlocking after he "put the radio on the red button on the first stage." At this point it "started spitting out Morse code." We're still unsure what is actually going on here, but mysterious things appear to be afoot. At the very least, I'd recommend getting this achievement. Steam users have begun finding images hidden in the updated game files. All of these images clearly show the Aperture Science logo from the game. I've reached out to Valve Software for comment and I'll keep you updated of any new information. Update: The following is reportedly a sound made by an in-game radio when thrown into a force field: "Dinosaur_Fizzle" noise Warning: Loud!. Update 2: Steam users have found 26 new sound files containing around 17 minutes of Morse code. The first file has been translated to read: "interior transmission active external data line active message digest active". Something big is going on. Update 3: In-game video of some of the Morse code and the above "Dinosaur_Fizzle" noise. Additionally, check these two videos of the near 18-minutes of sounds: Part 1 - Part 2 Update 4: One potential translation is:
Interior transmission active
External data line active
Message digest active
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
System data dump active
User back up active
Password back up active
Beep beep beep beep lol
Sounds like GLaDOS, who is very much "Still Alive", rebooting. Update 5: Internet sleuths uncovered in the images an encrypted number which turned out to be a phone number from Kirkland, Washington--the city where Valve was founded. The telephone number connects to a bulletin board system--a pre-Internet dial-up system used for everything from chat to games--masquerading as a GLaDOS system.

Aperture Science

Sleuths have found numerous ASCII art images on BBS clearly connected to Apeture Science and Portal, as well as several mysterious items and diagrams. You might have to tilt your head for a 'proper' view of some of the pictures. The BBS also turned up several Apeture Science documents including memos 'from' company founder Cave Johnson as well as more to ponder over. Highlights include:
October 17th, 1976
Re: Human Enrichment & Testing Initiative, Resource Acquisitions 1. "Low Risk" Human Resource Acquisitions a. Hoboes and Tramps
Lives spent wandering aimlessly, cowering before authority, and drinking concussive amounts of home-distilled potato alcohol make hoboes the perfect Human Enrichment test subjects. The hobo questions nothing, will follow orders if fed, and, like all hoboes, has a restless, wandering heart. (Note: The wandering heart of the hobo should not be confused with Drifing Heart Syndrome, which several transients contracted during testing.) b. Child Orphans and Foundlings
Deep-rooted abandonment issues leave most orphans highly susceptible to shame-based psychology (for a complete list of opportune moments to obliterate the esteem of test subjects, please consulting Training Video #89-D, "You'd Perform This Test Better if You Had Parents"). Recent advances in the use of scorn, flattery used in an ironic context and naked contempt of motivational tools have yielded similarly profitable results. c. Psychiatric Patients
Past experiences shows these fellows are simply not shy at all about carrying on, disrupting tests and defecating just about anywhere that pleases them. Frankly, it's off-putting, and small wonder why Apeture-brand mental institutions are being phased out in favor of more orphanages. d. Seniors
Frail, brittle hands make holding science devices difficult. Most were born before the advent of science, and can become confused and disoriented when asked to participate in relatively simple tests (teleportation, invisibility, adjusting esteem levels of orphan children).
MEMORANDUMS: Filed under CJohnson: 188454-G 88^5211762 json remind you that Apeture Science is built on three pillars. Pillar one: Science without results is just witchcraft. Pillar two: Get results or you're fired. Pillar three: if you suspect a coworker of bein' a witch, report them immediately. I cannot stress that enough. Witchcraft will not be tolerated.
MEMORANDUMS: Filed under CJohnson: 7655-293-G A lot of you have been raising concerns about the so-called "dangers" of what we're all doing here. The beancounters told me to tell you that as of today, testing will no longer be as mandatory or as dangerous. That's not gonna happen, and here's the reason: Science isn't about why, it's about why not. You ask: Why is so much of our science dangerous? I say: Why not marry safe science if you love it so much. In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won't hit you in the butt on the way out, because you are fired. Plus, in the event of your death, I personally guarantee that, thanks to the form you were required to sign this morning, your family will not suffer the indignities of a prolonged and costly legal battle against Apeture Science. Trust me, I am rich, and it is a burden I do not wish on anyone. To summarize: 6218376213 wjqehjk -213888^%@5*(*@)@)#*a@ +---+++
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