Spare Parts - Detroit: Become Human

Complete all objectives and earn all endings in our 100 percent completion guide to the Detroit: Become Human chapter Spare Parts.


Players diving into the Detroit: Become Human chapter titled Spare Parts will have to exercise caution, as there are a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong or for the mission to be outright failed. Earning a 100 percent completion not only means doubling back to earn all three endings, but making all the right choices to have Markus and the party complete their objective.

Spare Parts: 100 Percent Completion

Spare Parts is another Detroit: Become Human chapter with a lot of different branching points. Depending on what choices they make, players can arrive at one of three different endings, one of them being total failure and two of them resulting in Markus and the party escaping with the spare parts they're searching for.

Hunting for Parts

Action Climb onto dock
Action Follow North
Event Almost spotted
Action Climb on containers
Action Progress toward Cyberlife
Choice Follow North
Choice Follow Simon
Event Drone blocks path
Action Neutralize drone
Fail Markus damaged
Pass Markus unarmed

Reach Cyberlife

Action Gather spare parts
Event Security android appears
Choice Attack
Event Markus spills blood
 Event (jump to Resume Search)
Choice Grab android and hide
Event John becomes deviant
Event Guard searches for android
Choice Attack
 Event Markus spills blood
 Event (jump to Resume Search)
Choice Release
 Event Human guard leaves
Choice Hold position
Choice Run away
Event Alarm sounds
 Event (jump to Run to Fence)
Choice Hide
Event Alarm sounds
 Event (jump to Run to Fence)

Resume Search

Event Find crate of androids
Choice Free androids
Choice Leave androids
Event John wants to join
Choice Refuse
Event Alarm sounds
 Event (jump to Run to Fence)
Choice Accept
Event John mentions key
Choice Refuse
Event Alarm sounds
 Event (jump to Run to Fence)
Choice Accept

Control Room

Action Enter room
Action Markus gets spotted
Event Alarm sounds
Event (jump to Run to Fence)
Action Find key
Choice Threaten guards
Fail Kill guards
 Event Markus spills blood
Pass Incapacitate guards
Action Steal key
Action Leave with truck
Event Markus stole a truck full of parts
Fail Trigger alarm
 Event Alarm sounds
 Event (jump to Run to Fence)

Choice Lure guards
Choice Create blackout
Choice Avoid guards
Action Steal key
Action Leave with Truck
Event Markus stole a truck full of parts
Choice Fail to avoid guards
Event Alarm sounds

Action Run to Fence
Event Dogs maul John
Choice Leave John behind
 Event Group returned with full bags
Choice Sustain damage trying to save John
 Event Group failed their mission
Event Sustain damage reaching the fence
Event Group failed their mission
Action Back to Jericho
Event Group returned with full bags
Event Group failed their mission

Spare Parts: All Endings

Markus Stole a Truck Full of Parts
This is the optimal ending for the chapter. By avoiding guards as much as possible, not spilling any blood, and not sustaining any damage, the crew is able to leave the compound with an entire truck full of spare parts.

Group Returned With Full Bags
If players don't manage to find the key or wind up getting spotted by the guards, they can still manage to get back to Jericho with a bag full of parts, assuming they don't sustain damage on their own or by trying to save John.

Group Failed Their Mission
This is the ending that will unlock if players sound the alarm, run away, and sustain damage in leaving. This ending can also be unlocked if they choose to run away or hide when confronted with the security android.

Now that Spare Parts has been completed, the next chapter up will be The Eden Club. Keep on top of all the endings and 100 percent completion requirements by heading over to Shacknews' detailed Detroit: Become Human 100 percent walkthrough and guide.

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

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