The Painter - Detroit: Become Human

Earn 100 percent completion and unlock all endings in The Painter of Detroit: Become Human.


This walkthrough for The Painter in Detroit: Become Human will assist players with earning 100 percent completion in their flowchart and unlocking the only possible ending. A total of three runs through this chapter are required to get 100 percent completion.

The Painter: 100 Percent Completion

The 100% complete flowchart for The Painter.

Getting to 100% completion in the chapter known as The Painter will be another fairly easy task. Players need only make a few choices of leisure activites, with all of them ultimately ending in the chapter's sole finale.

Arriving Home
Activate birds
Read "North Pole Russia"
Read "Life on Titan"

Action  Drop off Package
Action  Wake Carl
Event Carl notices Markus' clothes
Action Serve Breakfast

Find Something To Do

Choice Play Chess
Choice Win
Choice Lose
Choice Draw
Choice Read Book
Choice  The Republic of Plato
Choice  Tragedies of William Shakespeare
Choice  Odes by John Keate
Choice Play Piano
Choice  Melancholic
Choice  Hopeful
Choice  Intimate
Choice  Enigmatic

Action  Take Carl to the studio
Action  Paint something you see
Choice Copy Carl's painting
Choice Copy desk
Choice Copy Statue

Action  Paint from the heart
Choice Androids
Choice Fate
Choice Hope
Choice Pain
Choice Sadness
Choice Humanity
Choice Anger
Choice Comfort
Choice Empathy
Choice Hope
Choice Identity
Choice Androids
Choice Despair
Choice Doubts
Choice Prisoner

Leo intruded to ask for money

The Painter: All Endings

Leo Intruded to Ask for Money
This is the only possible ending to this chapter. No matter what Markus chooses to do this cinematic plays out the same way each time. None of the choices made during this chapter affect any others going forward, so multiple runs should only be done to earn the 100 percent completion rating outlined above, not to try and alter how the game plays out.

When The Painter is all done, move on to Partners. For those that wish to browse through the 100 percent completion requirements for each chapter, the Detroit: Become Human 100 percent walkthrough will have a list that includes all possible endings for each one and how it will impact future decisions.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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