All Legendary Chest Locations in God of War
Where to find all the legendary chests in Midgard, Alfheim, and Helheim in God of War.
Between killing trolls, punching The Stranger, and trying to be a good parent, Kratos is going to need to find legendary chests during his journey through God of War. Legendary chests contain everything from new Runic abilities to new armor, so it’s worth spending some time tracking them down.
All Legendary Chest Locations

Legendary chests are ornate golden chests with red highlights, not to be confused with the silver chests that have the same appearance. There are a few golden chests that look like legendary chests (and for all intents and purposes are) with the only difference being they are quest-specific. There are 34 legendary chests to be found across three main realms, with some extras that are quest-specific.
It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, this guide contains considerable spoilers in order to accurately describe where chests are located and how to unlock them. If you have not played through the game, look away now or tread lightly.
All Legendary Chests in Midgard – 26
There are 26 legendary chests to be found in Midgard. These are scattered throughout each of the regions, with some only being accessible after certain points in the story.
Thamur’s Corpse
This is a unique legendary chest in that it is not included in the 26 chests listed in Midgard, though it is extremely worth finding. If you do not collect it while you are in the region, there's a good chance you won't be able to make your way back there if you leave it too late in the story - this is why it's right up the top here despite being a late-game legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 0 – Blessings of the Frost Heavy Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found as you progress through the main quest, The Magic Chisel. Continue along the main route until you meet Sindri and have to explode the Shock Crystals on the braids of the giant. Kratos will enter a room with a Traveler that must be killed. This room has a sword hanging from the ceiling and a large block. Move the large block back slightly and hit the sword to spin it. Climb the block and jump to the sword, climb it and then jump down to the ledge to find the legendary chest.
The River Pass – 5
Legendary Chest 1 – Hel’s Touch Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest can be found right after Atreus gets attacked by an icy blue monster, shortly after Atreus comments on a Jotnar settlement ahead. Stick to the right-hand side and follow the path around, Atreus may even call out its existence.

Legendary Chest 2 – Talisman of Concentrated Vitality
A legendary chest can be found in The River Pass during the second mission, Path to the Mountain, shortly after meeting the Witch. The chest is easily found by starting at the Witch’s house and walking down the wooden path and looking to the right. Kratos will need to jump across two gaps to reach the legendry chest.

Legendary Chest 3 – Storm of the Elks Runic Summon
This legendary chest is trapped beneath rubble next to the Witch’s house in The River Pass. Climb the nearby chain and follow the path to the end to give Atreus a view of the markings, then go to the sand to reverse time, rebuilding the structure and freeing the legendary chest. There is also a Nornir chest nearby that can be unlocked if you have the correct abilities. Check out our guide, all Nornir chest locations in God of War to help find and solve them all.

Legendary Chest 4 – Rampage of the Furies Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest is hidden behind a door below the Witch’s hut in The River Pass. It can only be accessed by using the Wind of Hel ability. Ferry the charge from the top of the wooden platforms down to the lower level. Clear the black vines and push the block halfway along, then run and jump across the gap while carrying the charge to unlock the door, freeing the legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 5 – Murder of Crows Runic Summon
Another legendary chest is hidden below the Witch’s house in The River Pass and can only be accessed by using the Winds of Hel ability. Take the wind from the top of the cave down to the lower section, push the block across, and stand near the sand. Clear the wood from the arch on the cave roof so Atreus can read the answer. With the sand riddle solved, the whole platform will lower – turn around to see the legendary chest in the wall where the platform was once raised.
Shores of Nine – 1

Legendary Chest 6 – Weightless War Handles Rare Blades Pommel
Another legendary chest can be found on the lower levels of Tyr’s Temple in the middle of the Lake of Nine. When the water is lowered a second time, the legendary chest can be found around the perimeter covered in black vines, use the correct equipment to clear the blockage.
Iron Cove – 1

Legendary Chest 7 – Mists of Helheim Heavy Runic Attack
Another legendary chest can be located in the south-west side of Lake of Nine in the Iron Cove, near the island with a crashed ship on it. At the back of this island is a locked stone door with runes above it, you must located the runes around the island, and free them from stone if need be, and match them to the door. One is off the side of the cliff, down a ravine. Another is on one side of the ship. The final is on the other side of the broken ship.
Isle of Death – 2

Legendary Chest 8 – Ymir’s Breath Rare Axe Pommel
This legendary chest is located in the south-west of the Lake of Nine on the Isle of Death. Make your way to the top of the island, enter through the broken ship, and use the zip-line to reach the chest below.

Legendary Chest 9 – Explosive Grips of Fire Legendary Blades Pommel
To find this legendary chest, you will need to head to the Isle of Death to the south-west of the Lake of Nine and make your way to the top of the small island there. At the top is a legendary chest stuck in black vine bramble, you will need to have made your way through the main quest a far ways before you can unlock this chest.
Fafnir’s Storeroom – 1

Legendary Chest 10 – Wrath of the Frost Ancient Light Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found in the final room in Fafnir’s Storeroom, an area that is located on the north-west side of the Lake of Nine. This can only be accessed as part of the Favor, Fafnir’s Hoard. Kratos will need to fight through four rooms of increasingly difficult enemies to reach the final room, so it’s a good idea to do this when Kratos is around level 5.
Konunsgard – 1

Legendary Chest 11 – Prometheus Flame Heavy Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be located after clearing Konunsgard, an area that can only be accessed as part of the quest, Hail to the King, a Favor for Brok and Sindri. After retrieving the three mythical items, follow the path around the waterfall to see the legendary chest sitting on the edge of the cliff.
Light Elf Outpost – 1

Legendary Chest 12 – Bitter Squirrel Runic Summon
A legendary chest can be found on the Light Elf Outpost island to the north of the Lake of Nine once it has been drained a second time. Reaching this legendary chest requires a lot of work, as Kratos and Atreus must navigate the island, unlocking Light Crystal bridges, and moving crystals around.
Stone Falls – 2

Legendary Chest 13 – Golden Talisman of Protection Rare Tasliman
A legendary chest is located in the north-east side of the Lake of Nine in the Stone Falls area. To reach this chest, you will need to go through the first gate in order to use the Leviathan axe to lower the bridge. Cross the bridge, open the middle gate and return to the dock area and use the chain to lower the gate. Doing this opens the third gate in the arena area. Cross the bridge and go into the arena to find the legendary chest behind the gate you just raised.

Legendary Chest 14 – Deadly Grip of Fury
This legendary chest can be found at Stone Falls to the east of the Lake of Nine when the water is lowered a second time. Kratos will need to climb to the top of the cliff and use Atreus’ Shock Arrow attack to free the waterwheels. Shoot the crystal as it passes close to the legendary chest to free it.
Buri’s Storeroom – 2

Legendary Chest 15 – Rage of the Titans Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest is located to the east of the Lake of Nine, near Buri’s Storeroom. The legendary chest is locked under black vines so Kratos will need to return when he has the correct equipment to remove it.

Legendary Chest 16 – Glaive Storm Heavy Runic Attack
Another legendary chest can be found on Buri’s Storeroom, an island in the east of the Lake of Nine. The legendary chest is behind a stone wall locked by runes. To unlock the runes, go left around the island, shoot a Shock Arrow to free the wheel, climb the stairs and turn the wheel until there is a gap in the large wheel for the boat to dock. Row the boat around the back, lower the gate to reveal a rune and then row back to the other side of the island. Hit all three rune bells quickly to unlock the door, granting you access to the legendary chest.
Veithurgard – 1

Legendary Chest 17 – Leviathan’s Wake Light Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found deep within Veithurgard. To locate this chest, Kratos will need to gain access to the large double doors at the back of the area, beyond the dragon. The doors are locked by a rune contraption. To open the door input the runes: T and R, N and F, on the left and right. Progress through the cavern, defeat the troll at the end, and go through the door to find the legendary chest sitting there. One of the many Jotnar shrines in God of War is in the previous room as well.
Cliffs of the Raven – 1

Legendary Chest 18 – Grips of the Cursed Flame Legendary Blades Pommel
This legendary chest can be found in the Cliffs of the Raven to the south-east of the Lake of Nine. This chest can only be collected using the Winds of Hel ability, so return when you have it unlocked. To unlock the chest, Kratos must clear a path for the Winds of Hel by removing the pulsating vines. Take the wind from behind the gate, to where the Nornir chest is by using the statue on the rear of the rocks. Climb up to the Nornir chest and transport the Winds of Hel from the back side over to the front and then down toward the shoreline. The statues you can use are located on the right-side of area when facing the beach. Place the wind in the mausoleum to gain access to the legendary chest.
Volunder Mines – 1
Legendary Chest 19 – Fury of the Ice Troll Light Runic Attack
Another legendary chest can be found in the Volunder Mines, a side area where you can do a Favor for Brok. The legendary chest can be found in the same room as the Soul Eater, which must be reached after finding all the runes and smashing them.
Foothills – 2

Legendary Chest 20 – Charge of the White Bear Light Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found where you fight an ogre for the first time in the Foothills before the entrance to The Mountain. To find this location, start at Sindri’s shop at the entrance to the Foothills and head straight, then turn left to find a climbable wall. Follow the path to find another climbable wall that reaches the arena. On the far-left side of the arena are poisonous vases, use the Leviathan axe on a red pot to blow up on vase, and freeze the other to gain access to the legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 21 – Blast of Hephaestus Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest is located in The Foothills and can only be unlocked when Kratos is able to interact with the Winds of Hel. From Sindri’s shop in the Foothills, head straight and then turn left to find a climbable wall. Scale the wall and follow the path around to the right, collecting the Winds of Hel as you go. Further along the path and on the right is a mausoleum holding the legendary chest.
The Mountain – 3

Legendary Chest 22 – Falcon’s Dive Runic Summon
A golden legendary chest can be found in the region, The Mountain, as part of the quest, Inside the Mountain. Continue through the caves until Kratos reaches a large open cavern with a claw that must be used. Locate the platform that must be pushed, and shove it along its tracks to gain access to the upper levels. Jump onto the platform and up to the next level, the legendary chest is along the path to the left.

Legendary Chest 23 – Tyr’s Revenge Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest is located in the region, The Mountain, nearby Sindri’s shop at the top of the mountain after the dragon fight. Head into the cave system and hug the right-hand side to come across this legendary chest. Use Atreus’ newly acquiring Shock Arrows to free it.

Legendary Chest 24 – Hyperion Slam Heavy Runic Attack
This legendary chest is located in the mountain and can only be collected as part of the main quest, Return to the Summit. To reach it, play through until you ride the elevator up and have to fight enemies. There will be two nearby wooden barricades you can smash, one with a statue you can carry and the other with the Winds of Hel. Take the statue over to the chain and ferry the charge across. Climb the chain and then take the charge to the door at the rear of the room. Make sure the ogre dies before this, else the charge will dissipate.
If this chest was missed during the mission, it is possible to get it but some backtracking is required. Use the Mystic Gateway at The Summit, walk up the stairs to where Mimir was located, and climb down behind the tree. Continue along the snowy path, staying close to the left-hand side and look out for an interact button to allow Kratos to climb down. Continue along this path, into the mountain, and past Sindri. In the next room with the wooden scaffolding, stick to the left and pass through more caves. You will reach the aforementioned area, where the lift might still be in place.
Tyr’s Temple – 2

Legendary Chest 25 – Hyperion Grapple Heavy Runic Attack
Another legendary chest can be found during the mission, A Path to Jotunheim, in Tyr’s Temple below the Realm Travel Room. To find this legendary chest, go through the left door to find a spinning blade puzzle. Kratos will need to transport two Winds of Hell back to the door in the room to access this legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 26 – Weightless Grips of Protection Rare Blades Pommel
This legendary chest can be found in Tyr’s Temple as part of the quest, A Path to Jotunheim. As you prepare to leave the temple, check the lower levels of the first room for a doo that has unlocked granting access to the legendary chest. It is located on the left side of the room when you first enter from the elevator.
All Legendary Chests in Alfheim – 5
Only 5 legendary chests exist in Alfheim, and all of them can be found the first time you visit the realm.

Legendary Chest 1 – Amulet of Kvasir Rare Talisman
A legendary chest can be found when you free the boat in Alfheim. Stick to the right-hand side of the lake until you come across a beach with three red vines on the left. You must continue around to the right. Pass through the first timed gate, then through the next one on the right. Follow the path around until you cross the bridge, then use the Leviathan axe to clear the three vines. With all vines cleared, head inside to find another vine puzzle to solve. Kratos must cut all three vines by rotating the wheel fully, then moving right to see all three vines align before throwing the Leviathan axe.

Legendary Chest 2 – Frost Giant’s Frenzy Heavy Runic Attack
This legendary chest can be found after you free the boat in Alfheim. When Kratos reaches the Lake of Light, stick to the left to reach a beach. On the right-hand side of the beach are two caves, take the right-most cave system with the red vines, destroy them to clear the path that leads to the legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 3 – Thiazi’s Talon Heavy Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found after you drain the water on your way to the ringed temple in Alfheim. Go down the lift, fight off the enemies, and then enter the cells behind you. Unlock the cells and go into the right side one to see the legendary chest. Throw the Leviathan axe at the vine you can see then return to the center room and stand facing the room. Recall the Leviathan axe to cut the vines.

Legendary Chest 4 – Njord’s Tempest Light Runic Attack
This legendary chest can be found on your journey to the ringed temple in Alfheim. As you progress through the mission, The Light of Alfheim, you will drain a lake and descend on an elevator. Continue until you encounter your first Ancient found at the back of the temple, near the vines that must be cleared from around the light source. Defeat the Ancient and the legendary chest on the left of the platform can be freely looted.

Legendary Chest 5 – Strike of the Utgard Light Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found as Kratos and Atreus leave the ringed temple after removing the blight and receiving the Light Arrows. The legendary chest will be sitting on a balcony near the exit.
All Legendary Chests in Helheim – 3
There are only three chests to be found in Helheim, and all of them are fairly straightforward to unlock this far into the game. When you first arrive in Helheim, do not expect to be able to unlock all of them. There are also a few Artifacts to find here as well, so make sure you search thoroughly.

Legendary Chest 1 – Spartan Charge Light Runic Attack
A legendary chest can be found as soon as you reach Helheim as part of the main story. Continue forward, clearing the enemies that spawn, and then look to the left, the legendary chest is out in the open below the circular roof.

Legendary Chest 2 – Cyclone of Chaos Light Runic Attack
There is a legendary chest hidden extremely well at the very front of Helheim. It is locked away in a room that can only be unlocked using an ability you gain after defeating a boss in Helheim as part of the main story. Carrying the Winds of Hel back to the very beginning of the level using the statues along the path. There are sockets on the back of statues, and on blocks that lie off to the side of the bridge. Take the Winds of Hel down the stairs and insert it into the mausoleum to access the legendary chest.

Legendary Chest 3 – The Charm of Infinite Storms Epic Talisman
This legendary chest is located in Helheim and can only be accessed using Atreus’ Shock Arrow. Continue along the main path until you reach the section of bridge with walkways going across it. Look to the right-hand side to see a doorway covered in World Tree Sap, clear it and then drop down the chain to reach a lower walkway. To your left is another door blocked by sap, clear it to find the legendary chest.
There are a lot of legendary chests to find in God of War, and a lot of them won’t let Kratos get to them until later in the story. Take the time to go back to old places and get the loot out of these chests, some of the Runic attacks are vital for defeating the Valkyries. Be sure to check out our God of War Collectible Guide for more articles on where to find everything in this phenomenal game!