God of War: The Journey - A Realm Beyond
Take a leisurely stroll while learning about realm travel in God of War.
A Realm Beyond is the third chapter in God of War. This walkthrough will help navigate each mission objective, providing puzzle solutions, riddle solutions, and information on how to access all the goodies found along the path.
Follow the Witch
The witch will lead the way down the mountain. Kratos and Atreus must only follow her to the lift, then Kratos needs to spin the wheel to get it moving. Take the ride and enjoy the conversation, then follow the witch until a door blocks her path. Open it and follow the witch all the way back to Brok’s Shop at the Lake of Nine.
Realign the Bridge

Kratos will then need to head down the stairs, wait for a bridge to be made, and approach the axel as the witch instructs. Interact with the axel to place it back on its rails and align it with the track. Next, push the bridge along the track, stopping only when the bridge can be moved no further.
Follow the Witch
Head back up and follow the witch inside to where Brok’s Shop would normally be. She’ll take Kratos and Atreus into the Realm Travel Room, which is about when I realized that God of War was much larger than it first appears.
Travel to Alfheim
The Realm Travel Room will act as a hub that allows Kratos and Atreus to travel between Realms as the game progresses. However, most realms are not accessible from the start. Players must progress the story to get the runes required to access each realm. The first accessible realm will be Alfheim, and it just so happens that the story takes Kratos and Atreus there at the end of this chapter.

A Realm Beyond is very short chapter, but it serves to educate players about realm travel and how they can move about the world in God of War. For now, though, it’s on to the next chapter, The Light of Alfheim. Navigate through any part of the game by visiting the Shacknews God of War walkthrough and guide.