Update Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes for Sea of Thieves
The first big update version 1.0.1 to Sea of Thieves has arrived bringing a host of bug fixes and improvements.
Sea of Thieves has been out for exactly a week now, giving fans plenty of time to come to terms with the game's many interrelated mechanics as well as its bevy of different beard-related errors. Though the number of flies in the ointment was relatively low compared to some releases, fans should find that many of the game's bigger wrinkles have now been ironed out, as the team at Rare are rolling out the game's first significant update version 1.0.1 with several bug fixes and general improvements.
Sea of Thieves Update Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes, Fixes, and Changes
The first thing that players will note about the Sea of Thieves update version 1.0.1 is its size — weighing in at 10GB on the Xbox One and nearly 20GB on Xbox One X and Windows 10 PC, the update is less of a patch and more like an entirely-new download of the game. The development team has stated plans to provide smaller patches in the future, but users may need to set some time download time aside for this particular update.

The list of fixes and changes presented in update version 1.0.1 is considerable, and in the effort of making sure no stone is left unturned, we're presenting the full update notes as provided through the official Sea of Thieves website below in their entirety.
Fixed Issues:
• Players who have redeemed their Black Dog Pack pre-order code will now correctly see these items in their in-game chests.
• Characters should no longer lose details such as hair colour and scars.
• When digging up a chest, there is no longer a chance that it will be impossible to pick up.
• Players should no longer intermittently be missing items and weapons when loading into the game.
• Weapon, clothing and ship cosmetic changes made after migrating server will now persist across sessions.
• Players will now correctly see other players titles.
• Snakes will now behave correctly, turning to face the player when agitated.
• Animal and skeleton movement around slopes has been improved.
• The game will no longer enter an unresponsive state after accepting a game invitation whilst matchmaking.
• Merchant Alliance notifications for handing in various items have been corrected.
• Lighting has been tweaked in order to improve performance on multiple islands and outposts.
• Fixed tinnitus sound which persists after being killed by multiple explosive barrels.
• Seagulls now fly over floating barrels.
• Players can no longer be held by a seemingly invisible Kraken tentacle.
• Fixed a range of potential game crashes.
Performance Improvements:
• Drastically reduced the likelihood of tearing when using the small ship.
• Reduced the likelihood of tearing when inside the Taverns.
• Sizeable framerate improvements when traversing large islands.
• Reduced likelihood of framerate hitches when navigating outposts.
• Optimised Foliage for smoother experience in overgrown jungle areas.
In addition to the above update notes, Rare has also provided a list of known issues that may affect Sea of Thieves players. These include but are not limited to the delay of player achievements, a "delay" in the acquisition of gold and reputation when cashing in rewards, and an issue that prevents players' radial menus from being opened after joining a crew whose ship is moored at an active skeleton fort. Fixes for these issues are hopefully forthcoming.

Last but not least, Rare has considered player feedback regarding the forthcoming Death Cost feature that would essentially remove a set amount of gold every time the player died. It was not something that seemed particularly pleasant to fans, and based on input the team has received, the developer will not be implementing the feature in any future update.
Stay on top of the latest news in Rare's open-sea adventure by keeping your sights set to Shacknews' own ever-expanding Sea of Thieves walkthrough and guide.