World of WarCraft Classic Servers Will Bring Vanilla Flavor to Players
Blizzard is hard at work on a classic server option for WOW.
Near the end of the BlizzCon 2017 opening ceremony, Blizzard shocked the world with the announcement of development starting for the vanilla World of Warcraft server option.
The upcoming option will get as close to the original code as possible for the vanilla World of Warcraft experience but, without any of the pitfalls.
Details for the classic server option will be made available in the near future.
Charles Singletary posted a new article, Blizzard Announces Vanilla World of Warcraft
Well I mean, you can get to level 10 in 30 minutes, no joke. Leveling up in vanilla was a HUGE accomplishment and now it means jack shit.
It's really hard to die as well, and you can wipe out entire mobs just spamming the same button over and over again.
QoL improvements like dungeon finder may seem nice at first, but there is no sense of community and people just shit talk since they know they'll likely never see you again. Certainly it was harder to find a group in chat, but you had to play nice and cooperate otherwise you'd get booted. Dungeons were harder too and involved strategy (even Deadmines!), now it's basically spamming the same button over and over while rushing through the content since it's so easy.
Great video on why people still want to play WoW vanilla -
Personally, I hated the new zones. It turned questing into a theme park where you just rushed from hub to hub, completely getting rid of the exploring aspect and the need to spontaneously group up/socialize with strangers to knock out a challenging quest.
I also hated the forced pop references that ruined the feel of the game.
Wrath pre-LFD is in my mind the peak of WoW, before a lot of these "quality of life" improvements sucked the soul out of the game and turned it in to "World of Interactive Menus".
I really hope they also bring back servers hosting BC and WotLK as those seemed to strike the perfect balance and some of those zones were fucking amazing.
anyone remember this